To our beautiful little girl

Who loves stories before she sleeps

And loves the train

And loves food that's not so good for her

You are our light at the end of the tunnel

Who is accomplishing 'big girl' things

And still loving train rides

Your mommy and I are so proud of you

We love to watch you walk and run and play and grow

We love you when you're silly

Even when you are being a little monster

We love that you help with tasks like recycling with Jacqueline and her mom

Grandpa Doug and Grandma Bobby love you

You are a wonder, a blessing, a challenge, and a gift. We hope you have a wonderful happy birthday in Death Valley this this week and are as excited about your year to come as you were for you Easter egg hunt at preschool today.

With Leah

Filling your sack with goodies

Have a very happy 4th birthday! Love Mommy and Daddy.
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